The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is an American veterans' organization established on September 29, 1899, who as soldiers, sailors, marines and airman served the U.S. in wars, campaigns and expeditions on foreign soil or hostile waters.
 In their misery, some of these veterans banded together and formed organizations that would eventually band together and become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. Today, membership stands at more than 1.5 million members of the VFW and its Auxiliary.

Our voice was instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration, development of the national cemetery system, in the fight for compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and for veterans diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome. In 2008, we won a long-fought victory with the passing of a GI Bill for the 21st Century, giving expanded educational benefits to America's active duty service members, and members of the guard and reserves, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were the driving force behind the Veterans Access and Accountability Act of 2014, and continually fight for improved VA medical centers services for women veterans.

Besides helping fund the creation of the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II and Women in Military Service memorials, in 2005 the VFW became the first veterans' organization to contribute to building the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November 2010. And in 2015, we became the first supporter of the National Desert Storm War Memorial which is planned for construction at our nation's capital.

We have many programs and services that work to support veterans, service members and their families, as well as communities worldwide. Please check out our latest fact sheet or spend some time browsing our site to learn why No One Does More For Veterans.

 Our Core Values:

  • Always put the interests of our members first
  • Treat donors as partners in our cause
  • Promote patriotism
  • Honor military service
  • Ensure the care of veterans and their families
  • Serve our communities
  • Promote a positive image of the VFW
  • Respect the diversity of veteran opinions
The Department of New Mexico Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States received its charter on September 3, 1934. The Department's membership totals over 14,000, including its Auxiliary. The Department has 39 Posts, which are divided into 8 Districts. The Department is dedicated to veteran legislative advocacy and military and community service programs. Troop support activities, volunteering, and scholarship programs are a few ways the NMVFW works in the many communities of New Mexico.
Link to VFW National
Action Corps - Become a Veterans' Advocate
VFW Fact sheet
VFW Priority Goals 2025



Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.